"The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him...." 2 Chronicles 16:9
From The Creator; Pastor Viatta Carter...
Hello and welcome to this edition of The Kingdom Eye! I am so excited to relaunch our News Page. I will be sharing information on various topics, events, services, etc., that JHKM is a part of both locally and abroad. Here, we will also highlight & celebrate people (from all ages), who have been impactful and intentional in making a difference in our community.
We have declared this year to be...
We are positioning ourselves to boldly embrace all that God
has in store for us. God is waiting for us to EMBRACE IT!
From Guest Contributor Minister Syrtraina Gause
Sweet Tee Ministries...
When I think of the word “embrace”, I picture hugging or wrapping my arms around someone or something that I care deeply for. Embracing requires that you open up your arms nice and wide, allowing that person or thing as close to you as possible. There is a difference between hugging and embracing. We all hug. It’s quite easy to reach out and hug someone as a gesture or greeting. Hugs don’t have to be all that deep. How often though, do we embrace as we hug? There’s a difference to me. When someone who cares about me holds and embraces me, I get lost…. especially if it’s someone very special or the embrace stems from something deeply emotional. Essentially, an embrace is an all-consuming, all engulfing, deeply emotional, holding hug. It allows us to just let go and melt away into the arms of the person holding us.
In this season of my life, the word embrace has taken on new meaning...above and beyond the physical or natural sense of the word. At one time, my heart’s desire was to be married or at least in a serious enough relationship that would lead to marriage. Wow! My Mind was inundated with thoughts about what it would be like to have someone new in my life. I thought about all of the changes and adjustments we would make. I was overwhelmed with the idea of being completely happy and whole, not because of God but because of what I thought a relationship would offer. I was emotionally and spiritually consumed by the idea. That’s where my heart was. That is what I embraced. The fact that it was taking so long to happen took my breath away. It was emotionally depleting. I begged God to give me the desire of my heart. I didn’t understand why He would “allow” me to exist with such a giant hole in my heart and life. “It’s not fair…..I’m getting older…..what am I doing wrong…..are You punishing me…..Why….why...why”!!! These are just a few of the million questions I have asked God over the years. I’m not talking about one or two years…. or five or 10 years…..Im talking 15-20 years...and counting (just thought I’d throw that in).
I was pretty much done with God and all of His antics. Waiting for years and years for Him to give me my heart’s desire. I fell into a state of despair and depression. I could relate to the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:10. Hannah was utterly desperate to have a child, so much so, that her soul was bitter. She was in anguish. That was me! Pretty sure she pleaded in desperation for God to bless her with a child. God took forever to bless Hannah. Her soul literally quaked! I feel her pain! I can relate to the feeling of wanting something so bad and not getting it. I get emotional every time I read that part of her story. Hannah’s husband, Elkenah, loved her deeply and it wasn’t enough to take away that black hole of despair. How can a God that loves us so much just sit there and let us hurt? Why does He wait?
When Hannah prayed and made that vow, she released that one thing...that one desire into God’s hands. God was waiting for that! Hannah finally allowed His embrace to engulf and hold her. She stopped worrying about having a child and placed it in God’s hands. God had always embraced Hannah. It was Hannah that had to learn to simply trust and relax in that embrace.
That process of allowing myself to embrace a God that has always been present has been one of the most trying journeys of my life. To finally let go of my desire and allow Him to hold and embrace it was scary. God just wanted me to embrace Him with every part of my being…. including the one thing I really wanted. He has wrapped His arms around me in such a way that I don’t know how I will function if I ever even consider letting go. It’s not just a hug….this is an all-consuming, fire-filled embrace. His embrace protects me and guides me. He took what consumed my thoughts and my heart and turned it into something completely different. He did a “re-direct”. All of the emotional energy I put into longing for a man or relationship has been re-directed towards Him. He has truly embraced me as His own. I am at peace now…. resting in His arms and I have the full assurance that He will do what is best for me. You know what? I AM OKAY WITH THAT!
In November of 2019, Joint Heirs Kingdom Ministries (JHKM) and Heart and Soul Community Church, joined together in partnership to provide food and supplies for over 100 students and their families that go to the Roberto Clemente - School #8, here in the beautiful city of Rochester, NY.
We also continue to provide food and supplies to over 200 people each week, through our Community Outreach Ministry. If you would like to learn more about what we do and are planning to do for those in the community in which we serve, please contact us at
*You can go to our "donate" page if you would like to make any contribution to our Outreach Ministry.
American Stroke Awareness Month with the National Stroke Association
Arthritis Awareness Month with the Arthritis Foundation
Mental Health Awareness Month with Mental Health America
Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month with the Alzheimer’s Association
World Sickle Cell Day (June 19th.) with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America
Cataract Awareness Month with Prevent Blindness
Na’Dia Carter is class president for the graduating class of 2023 @ East Irondequoit High School. Na' Dia enjoys participating in the schools’ Marching Band and Drumline teams.
Na’Dia Riet Carter is a native of Rochester, New York. Na’Dia is a 15-year-old 10th grader at East Irondequoit High School. Na’Dia’s favorite subjects in school are History, Math and Gym. She participates in several school activities; for example, Student Government, Step Team, Drumline, Marching Band, Soccer and Black History Month ROC Change. She also loves reading and writing.
Na’Dia enjoys playing two instruments, the Clarinet and Cymbals. She plays the Clarinet for her schools Marching Band and Cymbals for the Drum Line team, however her favorite hobby is playing soccer. She has been playing soccer for over 4 years and is on the East Irondequoit Varsity Soccer team.
When asked what she would like to do when she grows up, Na’Dia without hesitation said “Be a Government Official and a Professional Soccer Player."
Na’Dia wants people to know that she is a Christian that loves the Lord and her church family. Na'Dia believes that she will do something great in this world, through God's grace. Her Favorite quote is one that she came up with on her own…
“Anything that I get in life I didn’t deserve it, but God gave me the ability to earn it” - Na’Dia Carter.