(Deut. 30:19-20NLT)
Deuteronomy 30:19 (NLT) "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:20 (NLT) You can make this choice by loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the LORD, you will live long in the land the LORD swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
*Living this life isn't Easy; Yet, The People Of God have a "blessing" on our lives because we have chosen to Love, Obey & Commit To Him! His Blessing, helps us to endure, trust, have peace & joy in the midst of life's circumstances. Any life outside of His Will, isn't life at all; The enemy may sometimes try to make you question your choice of living a life that's pleasing to the Father, or second guess yourself as it relates to your purpose in God, but there's one thing I know; no matter what I may go through, no matter what the test, "I STILL MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!!"
~ Pastor D