I am embarrassed to say that I am always losing my glasses. It does not matter where I am, in the living room, in the kitchen or in my bedroom it never fails. Well, one night as I was watching TV and dozing off. I remember taking my glasses off and putting them on the side table by my bed. When I woke up the next morning, I did notremember picking my glasses up and putting them on my face. The next morning was Sunday, March 25th. I got up that morning and prayed as I always do, however after my prayer and assisting the kids in getting ready for church. I realized that I needed my glasses and couldn’t see far away. You see I am nearsighted and for those of us who are nearsighted we can slightly see images and objects that are at a distance, but the picture is blurry. According to EyeGlass Guide, Nearsightedness is an eye condition that lets you clearly see objects that are “near” or close to you, while objects in the distance appear blurry or hazy.
After an hour or two of being frustrated because; I could not see clearly, I asked my youngest daughter to get a flashlight, to attempt to see. Thankfully, I found my glasses after taking everything out of my bedroom, moving my bed and fussing at the kids accusing them of moving my glasses. But I did not find my glasses in my bedroom or in the kitchen or in my kids’ bedroom or in the bathroom, I found it on the recliner in the living room where I was kneeling and praying. Needless to say; I was very relieved to find it and had to apologize to my kids.
On our way to church, as I reflected on my hectic morning, I thought about how easy it is to get distracted when our focus is off. How easy it is to get discourage, blame others, and get frustrated all because we cannot see clearly. Keep in mind, that I had just got off my knees from praying…boy oh boy I had to repent. I had allowed my frustration of misplacing my glasses to distract me and change my mood and attitude. Isn’t it interesting how God has a way of showing you yourself.
I am constantly reminded that we must look at things through God’s Eye, the Kingdom Eye. Without my glasses everything I looked at was blurry. I could not see things clearly and because of that I began to get frustrated and upset not just at myself but also at my kids. Isn’t it interesting how quickly life circumstances can distract us from our focus and take our eyes off the plan and purpose that God has for us? If we are not careful it is very easy to look at our situations, circumstances and problems through our blurry lens and then come up with a conclusion as to what the outcome will be which usually leads to discouragement, depression, and discontentment. We allow our circumstances to dictate how we feel, our attitude and our perspective and perception. We see our problems as bigger than they are. Eventually, when I put on my glasses, I could see clearly. The blurry view of life at that moment was not my reality. My reality was that I could clearly see people and things far away. You see, God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 which says For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
As we go through life, we must remember that despite our circumstances we must keep on our spiritual glasses, continue to move forward, hold on and run this race of life. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us, we will prosper, we will not be harm, HE has given us hope and a bright future. This our GOD declares! When you put on your spiritual glasses you can then see as God sees. Discernment becomes clear not so much for others, but we can look in the mirror and take a self-evaluation. We must remember that our God is bigger, greater, stronger, wiser and through his lens we will always be able to clearly see that he has his hands on us and we always WIN. So, when you seem to be losing your focus put on your spiritual lens and look through the looking glass of your Heavenly Father.
by Pastor Viatta Carter